andrea steinfl

Oredaria Gallery

Brand Identity

Oredaria Gallery

Brand Identity


Oredaria Gallery

Oredaria is a gallery of contemporary art, a few meters from the MACRO in Rome. Exhibitions about Michelangelo, Pistoletto, Gilberto Zorio, Maurizio Mochetti and Alfredo Pirri supported by a series of young international names such as Roberto De Paolis, the Norwegian Petter Hepsø and the Israeli Gilad Efrat. The identity starts from the name: Oredaria is the break, the freedom, is your appointment in the calendar. The logo is a special circle, is the time, is the watch, is all the different moments, events, exhibitions, meetings.


Creative Direction: Andrea Steinfl

Art Direction: Andrea Steinfl

Design: Andrea Steinfl + Lolaetlabora